Flask-APIBlueprint | Read the Docs


Flask-APIBlueprint is a Flask micro-framework extension which adds support for route inheritance for Blueprints.

Construct an APIBlueprint

An APIBlueprint extends the flask.Blueprint class.

Providing the inherit_from parameter to the constructor copies routes from another APIBlueprint.

api_v1 = APIBlueprint('api_v1', __name__, subdomain='', url_prefix='/api/v1')


api_v2 = APIBlueprint(
    'api_v2', __name__,


That means you can just do this:

def username(user_id):
    username = User.query.get(user_id).username
    return jsonify(username=username)

GET /api/v1/user/1/ returns:

        "username": "gimmebear"

GET /api/v2/user/1/ returns:

        "username": "gimmebear"

Override routes

If you want to override a route, you just redefine it on your APIBlueprint. For instance, you version your API and decide you want to return a dictionary of user data instead of just a username:

def user_info(user_id):
    username = User.query.get(user_id).username
    firstname = User.query.get(user_id).firstname
    return jsonify(data=dict(username=username, firstname=firstname))

GET /api/v1/user/1/ returns:

        "username": "gimmebear"

GET /api/v2/user/1/ returns:
        "data": {
            "firstname": "Smoky",
            "username": "gimmebear"

Remap endpoints

You might decide that you want to change the endpoint of a particular route but not the response in a new version of your API. You can do this via the remapping keyword argument

remapping = {'/users/list/': '/users/'}

api_v2 = APIBlueprint(
     inherit_from=api_v1, remapping=remapping

def users_list():
    users = User.query.all()
    usernames = [{'username': user.username} for user in users]
    return jsonify(data=usernames)

GET /api/v1/users/list/ returns:

        "data": [
                "username": "gimmecat"

                "username": "gimmebear"

GET /api/v2/users/ returns:

        "data": [
                "username": "gimmecat"
                "username": "gimmebear"

Indices and tables